#43 Sit well

not like this...
....not like this...

...really...not like this....
and not like this either....


We spend a whole lot of our adult lives sitting. 
How do you sit when you are in pain, and how can you sit to relieve your pain?

Now of course, while writing this I am slouching in Samuel's couch looking like a sack of potatoes... but IN THEORY... I know that sitting well is one of the most important things I can do to avoid letting the pain in my back, neck and head build up. 
(short pause while Anna corrects her posture)

I've found that sitting dynamically is the best way for me, preferably staying mobile while I sit and also getting up and moving around at least 10 minutes every hour. 

I love the exercise balls that you can sit on, they are great for keeping your blood flowing and muscles active while sitting, but unfortunately I don't have one right now. Ooooh, imagine decorating a whole room filled with exercise balls in different sizes and colours... now THAT would be a room I'd be happy to work in!!

This might work well for some...

...but what works best for you and your pain?

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