#93 Go global

Pain is a global issue, and 20% of the world's population deal with chronic pain. That means there are many different kinds of pain-relieving techniques out there, so why stick to your local doc and pharmacy, when you can try chinese fire-cupping, or Swedish massage?

Last week my Dad and Ros came back from a trip to Asia and they brought me this traditional pain relieving Angkor Balm from Cambodia. It came wrapped in a round wooden jar in a bamboo basket, so I haven't had the heart to open it before taking a picture. Once I try it I will tell you how it works:D

As this is being posted I am sitting on a plane on the way to Morocco, to visit my good friend Susanna who lives there. One week of warm African weather should do miracles for my stiff joints and aching back, and if I find some new and exotic pain remedy, I promise to blog about it!

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