#334 Impulse shop in the produce aisle

Impulse shopping is fun, but can get expensive if one does it at the wrong place. Impulse shopping in the produce aisle on the other hand is completely harmless, stimulates cooking creativity and is even fun when you're on a budget.

I wonder what that red spiky thingy is...? And would it taste good in a smoothie? Or in a curry sauce with cashew nuts and rice? Maybe both?

Sometimes my private chef (Mattsui, the rice cooker, Matt for short) and I invite friends to bring a random fruit or vegetable and we practice creative cooking together. We "take what we've got and see what we get". Its great fun, and most of the time is both nutritious AND tasty! (Uhm, maybe except the infamous yam fondue incident of 2008... which is best forgotten)

1 comment:

  1. haha yes this is fun - i did this today while buying my fishoil. Came home with apricot kernels, coconut sugar and agave syrup - wonder what they are like
